Caro Wilding was an Art Teacher at North Kitsap High School for seven years. She taught Art 1, Art 2, AP 2D Design, AP 3D Design, Pottery, and was responsible for the introduction of the Jewelry and Metalsmithing Design course to North Kitsap High School. Caro Wilding was the embodiment of an artist, both creatively and spiritually. She encouraged students to not just become better artists, but better human beings.
The Caro Wilding Art Scholarship is open to all senior Art Students at North Kitsap High School and Kingston High School. One senior from each school will receive $500 to $1,000.
Applicants must be in good standing at their attending school. They must intend to further their studies in Art at a university, community college, trade school or apprenticeship.
Applicants must provide the names of 3 current or former teachers who know them well enough to comment on their academics, work habits, character, etc.
Applicants must submit 3 digital examples of what they consider is their best work.
Applications are due no later than Monday, April 1st.